New Jeans, and its own record.

Photo provided adore new jeans.

New Jeans (newjeans) is proving itself the best record and popular again.

New Jeans ' debut song ‘attention’ Global Spotify announced last 26, rose 24 stairs from the previous week in (August 19 and 25th, aggregate period of time.) chart ‘Weekly top song’ ranked 113.‘Hype Boy,’ 36 notches up from 135 last week recorded two songs such as taking all top marks itself in.

‘Hype Boy,’ Global Spotify last 14 ‘daily top song’ 183 steadily after entry into the top ranking on the chart, a hitch and its top, No. 95 on the seats on Friday.‘attention’ is No. 105 in two consecutive days in this chart and showed off her popularity.

Spotify, ‘The Viral in Song’ chart in propaganda is remarkable.‘하이프보이’는 지난 25일 ‘일간 바이럴 송’ 차트 1위에 올랐고 ‘어텐션’, ‘허트’, ‘쿠키’가 각각 3위, 6위, 10위를차지하면서 뉴진스의 데뷔 앨범 ‘뉴진스’에 수록된 4개 트랙 모두 10위권에 자리했다.

국내 음원 차트에서도 ‘어텐션’이 지난 25일 멜론 일간차트 1위를 찍으면서 15일 연속 정상을 지켰고, 바이브 ‘오늘 톱 100’에서는 17일째 1위를 기록,25일 지니와 벅스 일간차트에서는 각각 2위, 3위에 안착하는 등 인기를 자랑하고 있다.

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