Song Jae Hee Instagram
[Herold pop a = gimnayul] actor Song Jae Hee Ji tied the knot with pregnant in five years.
Song Jae Hee is 30 days of your Instagram account posted images to verify the pregnancy.Song Jae Hee was " the wife's pregnancy test kit out at that moment with the image.Like a spiral into a new world of hope my life felt to get sucked in.What do you bother to get their act together with still the most precious to me lovely forever an informal dinner, my wife is more clearly visible. ".
" when they did not seem to be an end in sight following a ray of light in dark tunnel the universe seems to say walk the difficult and painful for some time steadily at the tunnel, and she looked great.A One day it was normal to be pain. My mom and dad, we became special that day, and talked.
Song Jae Hee in the end of the " Thank God.So far, so a lot of people to pray.Prayer and blessing me with every one you all so grateful and precious.Will never forget the moment to visual record of Whar are grateful. of the words of wisdom to my mom ppokppogiI love you so much a lot.Director who always cheering hard and I thank you very much not to lose hope, wrote.
Song Jae Hee Ji the image to handing over the pregnancy test kit.Song Jae Hee was a bright smile and check the pregnancy test kit, Ji, shed tears of happiness.
Ji, meanwhile, 2013, 2017 and made his debut as a 'Shining Romance' drama mbc married actress Song Jae Hee.