'hwanhon' Shin Seung Ho said, " no virtue is fairly boiling with my love for you ...'sayakkil', ① the [an interview n] audit support.

Plateau Station in 28 weekend drama 'hwanhon' sitcom tvn
King Kong and Shin Seung Ho by provided Starship.
(서울=뉴스1) 김민지 기자 = 28일 종영한 tvN 주말드라마 '환혼'(연출 박준화, 극본 홍정은 홍미란)은 역사에도 지도에도 존재하지 않은 대호국을 배경으로, 영혼을 바꾸는 '환혼술'로 인해 운명이 비틀린 주인공들이 이를 극복하고 성장해가는 판타지 로맨스 활극이다.An intricate narrative between man and a colorful viewers caught the eye of drama, with accompanying action at one push.Over the past 21 itself in the 18th inning to record the highest rating at 9.3 % (a Nielsen, the furniture standards), proved popular.

As Shin Seung Ho is a colony, crown prince in 'hwanhon' and playing the role of 'a narrow-minded bullies in the prince' plateau.A generous and benevolent monarch also nasty and personal aspect, but to a character.자신의 진짜 모습을 무덕이(정소민 분)에게 간파당한 뒤 그의 앞에서만 속마음을 드러내며 상대를 향한 마음을 키워나가는 '순정파'이기도 하다.As ' p d.'through' they showed images of ' Shin Seung Ho is a charm against another image transform into with the high plains.

The early part of the polar plateau called 'billeon' even misunderstood.Shin Seung Ho was also the impact of the previous in this view that it expected to be.But as the inning plateau, shown conviviality and of their presence known by most, Shin Seung Ho is a comic acting.Charm with character solely because viewers can be passed.He was fun thanks to the audience's reaction that powers three parties can play and they laughed.

Web drama 'eitin' Shin Seung Ho is making his debut as a 'moment of 18', 'If you like a' and 'contract friendship' showed images of youth and through the ' p d.'wicked,' hwanhon, expand human prince and digest the performance spectrum. 'Shin Seung Ho is different every time in the future, saying they favor giving them a brand new look as an actor said his goal was to make public.'an actor, a lot of passion' recently met Shin Seung Ho.

King Kong and Shin Seung Ho by provided Starship.
The first epic drama 'hwanhon' - and stopped them.The impression.

▶ shooting so long to have been much better as well as big.Guessing until the end of the challenge for the first time, romance genre and seems to have felt more attractive.Personally, 'hwanhon' too fun.Story is complicated, but win out because they fall in love as well.

- Hong sisters got together I think it was good in the author's books.

▶ such a star writer, isn't it.Broadly with my superiors, is a distant in the industry to 'appear in their work day is coming.' and he is on a pleasant and exciting.The filmography of you authors to hear information about the work I looked, but if he did this to a lot of writing.나도 어릴 때 '마이걸', '최고의 사랑' 같은 드라마를 보면서 컸는데 이걸 쓰셨다는 걸 알았을 때 너무 신기하고, 나도 작가님들의 작품에 출연하게 된 게 감사했다.Allow a lot of things when working together.처음 캐릭터 틀이 안 잡혀 있었을 때 고원이 현대적인 말투를 쓰면 재밌을 것 같아서 해봤는데, 작가님들이 이걸 좋아해 주셔서 여러 시도들을 하며 신나게 연기할 수 있었다. - eventually plateau, some attracted to you to take 'hwanhon' in character.

▶ Prices for annual leave is low and not yet experienced a lot of work, but always a tendency to want to challenge new things.Something didn't experience a new professionally experienced something positive to feeling a bit too afraid.In that respect, 'hwanhon' were new, and plateau of character too fresh.In fact, Highland has shown characters I've played most much alike and fun didn't.

King Kong and Shin Seung Ho by provided Starship.
- What is it about like I want to know.

▶ usually 'crown prince' not worthy of its heavy shows that the status?But the plateau is in 'hwanhon' three-dimensional character.Every person who 'tension' are different, and to treat human can also be seen.Pleasant and prosecuting that prayer, sometimes ridiculous, and heodang the looked after me.(laughs)

- The plateau is even look like the wicked bend their early, 'billeon'.Did you not to look so while playing a character for the problem is.

▶ The three parties is not evil but looks like isn't.Three-dimensional figure.Just after filming, but there are difficulties played the role of the first time and are changing.(It looks as billeon) the previous dpSomebody's influence, there must be positive because I was sure, that kind of eyes are using to see.The country is definitely the high plains and those of actors know a bad person said any specifkc quantity and, in fact, most of the response.But I know all stories behind the fun, and thinking called 'please keep an eye on certain interesting things will happen a little more.' because the smoke.Later, three characters are images that are released there is a part of efforts want you to see more fun, too.

- otherwise prepared, when acting to show off the plateau's character or referred to it?

▶ That's no comedy performance, and like it was, I want to. 나는 연기 전공자도 아니고 배우도 뒤늦게 시작해서 연기와 가장 친해질 수 있는 계기가 코미디였다. 물론 스스로의 이미지를 알아서 코믹한 작품을 할 수 있을 거라는 생각은 못했지만, 그런 연기에 대한 갈증이 있었는데, '환혼'을 통해 내가 하고 싶었던 걸 조금이나마 보여드린 것 같아 기쁘다. 코믹한 장면 중에는 아무래도 장욱과 음양옥에서 만난 신이 가장 재미있지 않았나 한다.(laughs)

Tvn 'hwanhon'
- mudeok, the plateau's ardent romance, too, for attention.

The money in Korea, Did not the first time in the same woman no virtue to crown prince of the time.Excremental water to the scene that is bestowed the nickname 'dungheap' for a scene with three characters are fresh and excited to see him.Reminisce the little by little since that sort of thing seems to have brought a change in the crown prince's heart. 세자가 무덕이의 마음을 얻기 위해서 뭔가를 했다기보다는 할 수 있는 걸 안 한 게 더 많다고 생각한다. 그 정도의 지위와 계급이면 취하고 싶은 걸 취할 수 있지만, 무력을 행사하지 않고 인간적으로 다가가지 않았나. 무덕이를 존중하는 마음에서 시간을 보내는 게 매력적이더라. 심술도 부리긴 하지만, 꽤나 절절했다.Viewers know will be no virtue, and plateau and said, 'The King's Poison cheer,' Thank you for.I also not continue with no virtue that I was more fun.Loyalty and friendship as love on which it was cool.

How are you? - no virtue out of the station, Jeong and respiration

▶ really you understand. - my senior.So-min learned a lot while watching his sister's performance.When filming and mind each one, too, watching older sister to act surprised and impressed and look on the air.For its part audience with smoke you think I am good at and see convincing, it's great.

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