‘Big Mouse’ [comprehensive] 13.2 percent at, a party to the crime was gimjueon.

Mbc geumto ‘Big Mouse’ drama.

Finally, a real big mouse appeared.

Lee Jong-seok, deputy chief of the world The Lord of the dark face to face ahead with a person (big mouse) mouse.

26일 방송된 MBC 금토 드라마 ‘빅마우스’(크리에이터 장영철·정경순, 극본 김하람, 연출 오충환, 제작 에이스토리·스튜디오드래곤·에이맨프로젝트)에서는 박창호(이종석 분)와 고미호(임윤아 분)가 완벽한 팀워크로 구천병원 살인사건의 진상을 밝히고 있는 가운데 암흑세계의 제왕 ‘빅마우스’와의 대면식을 예고해 긴장감 넘치는 엔딩을 선사했다.

As the nether world is bakchangho Despite identity of a prison to murder the truth doctor appeared in front of camera.As a teamwork of the ring with a bitter issue of access in the court and the shaking began.On the ropes gongjiun (If yanggyeongwon) is full of poison Jang Hye-jin (If hongjiui) of contact from the Yoon Soo-il, which has an unpublished paper in the nick of time and supporting evil in and went to see her.

But bitter price designed with that, too, bakchangho a trap.용의자들에게 또 다른 살해 동기가 숨겨져 있다며 관심을 끈 박창호는 서재용(박훈 분)의 비밀논문을 요구하는 공지훈과 장혜진의 대화를 생중계해 어마어마한 파장을 일으켰다.This choejungnak the (If Chang Hyuk-Jin) declaring in front of the resentment of his journalists threw a declaration of war for the establishment. " Wait, big mouse is a suppression of the vip bakchanghoNext big mouse to catch you, " the nether world returned to prison, but the atmosphere inside not what it used to be.Cough up blood and a model prisoner who was perfectly fit to fall down to doctors and nurses as well as attacking."bottle back no such thing as ghost prison" As the saying goes unknown infectious disease in innumerable, prompting speculation about the cause.

The nether world behind a veil of this hospital, sprang a surprise all full account of the homicide was discovered.서재용을 살해한 세 용의자는 공지훈이 아닌 최도하에게 도움을 요청했고 그는 자신의 야망에 방해가 되는 그들을 제거하고자 일부러 교통사고를 냈다.Jang Hye-jin, obtained an unpublished papers from Yoon Soo-il, chairman of the (Jeon Guk Hwan of you) get rid of it as well as he got to the new.

Meticulously designed choedoa of Break out the anger, citing the accomplice were suspects in the plan.Destruction of clues that could prove an accomplice is already the choedoa to situation.A cold after a gentle, fire off a sharp warning, saying "I needle alive to good health" a warning entity of the props.

Even cement is revealed that, proved a character that was more dutiful lines in the last gold in the first inning, added shock.아무도 없는 으슥한 창고 안 엄청난 양의 금괴를 쌓아둔 그는 세상에서 사라진 것 같았던 미발표 논문을 꺼내 들면서 만족스러운 미소를 지어 그의 정체를 더욱 의심케 했다.

In the meantime, the big mouse into the sun to throw night forced labor at the gloom of night a bait to find a model prisoner and floated a question mark.King Goujian of Yue, a plaster panel ceiling issue of prison inmates felt after confirming the winner of a blood test results.To start a full investigation, however, the hyeonjuui (If okjjayeon) notice, dismissal from the opportunity to resolve the question got lost.

On the other hand, bakchangho was Big Mouse's reply and hope to be nervous the first meeting with him.The appointed time and finally bakchangho, due to the back of the unknown someone who has emerged.Is he really is the dark The Lord of the world was not clear whether he would ‘Big Mouse’ with the greeting ceremony is 10 times more I'm looking forward to be.

11.7 percent, the Seoul metropolitan area is ninth inning, ratings of 11.5 % across the country itself hitting new records again and to the glory of the first place Friday Saturday drama.The nether world market, in particular choedoa the nether world is (If gimjueon) hospital murder was found that being an accomplice to 13.2 % is a crucial moment and surprised both.(Nielsen, the criteria)

Big Mouse's greeting ceremony got off the ground and Lee Jong-seok mbc geumto be broadcast in at 9 p.m. drama ‘Big Mouse’ (27) today 10 times in the 50 minutes.

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