Shin, heavily armed and Andy "double surgery" at the wedding (dongsangimong) [the new title,].

Shin attended Andy's wedding to the heavily armed state of the (Won Min Soon ek sport news reporter) myth.

4일 방송된 SBS '동상이몽2 - 너는 내 운명'에서는 신혜성이 앤디의 결혼식에 참석한 모습이 공개돼 눈길을 끌었다. Eric, is Andy's wedding with Na Hye Mi, Shinhwa members of his wife showed up first.Andy find Eric's father and said, "type I personnel rangman of her mother.".

Eric's family close with family to participate at the wedding of Andy.Andy is in the studio said, " of familiarity, from the United States.Parents are you all know each other, he said.

Following Eric Kim, Lee arrived in turn.Shinhwa toured in Andy and stand side by side "We are a myth." a posed photograph that in exactly the same position.Andy, Kim officially that, you have to do was pose is a myth that pose for pictures said it.

Get forward and ryuiseo The Shinhwa members of the priest waited in front of a waiting room where there is actress Lee Eun-ju.The advance "Why I nervous?" and nervous as Andy showed.

Kim Dong-wan of Shinhwa members still unmarried, Lee says, " marriage with him?Used to tell.Lee said, " marriage?Must go.Can you? " was in a fit.

Eric and Na Hye Mi, forward and ryuiseo, guests at Kim, Lee is a myth that reads at the table.Shin just before the wedding black jacket and black hat in the myth of the members of the last to arrive.김숙은 "신화 완전체 진짜 오랜만이다"라며 반가워했다.

" Actually, I've so about Andy, Shin Nice to meet you in a long time but one member is things are very bad health.다리도 다치고 목도 좀 안 좋고 컨디션이 안 좋다고 얘기를 많이 했었는데 그럼에도 불구하고 또 와줘서 감동이었다"고 했다.

Ijiye recently Andy's Shin is absent, citing that newspaper article about the "One came very close to being this misconception that and I don't." to the wedding said.Kim Gura is Shin is black on black hat and all said, "so heavily armed, haven't seen." when he saw the fashion.

Shinhwa toured in Shin has to tell a worried look, saying he felt "You got hurt again" while looking at me.Shin is why Andy's wedding also were injured in two days ago.Andy is "knee, ruptured the cruciate ligament surgery in both feet." over the status of the Shin said.

Photo = screens broadcasting sbs

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