The food I cook for myself on the weekend, '173 cm' Chang Yoon Joo?..이러니 살이 안찌지

[The Sports Chosun dot-com Jung Yoona a] unveiled the model and actor Jang Yoon-ju was the food you eat at the weekend.

Chang Yoon Joo explained on July 4, own posted photos along with the words that "make a sandwich a weekend" in Instagram.

Jang Yoon-ju in photos released contains homemade sandwiches.Made with lots of healthy ingredients, such as vegetables, fruit, eggs, ham.Jang Yoon-ju been the perfect curves as a top model for many years of a healthy diet is some attention.

On the other hand, Jang Yoon-ju Netflix from 'joint economic zones : home of the paper', which runs June 24 in the interest.

▶ You don't know the man hiding a secret.

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