tvN ‘우리들의 블루스’
‘Our blues’ Ko Doo-sim also making wishes and the moon a hundred oil prices and the prosecution did not give up hope.The miracle would happen.
6월 4일 방송된 tvN 토일드라마 ‘우리들의 블루스’(극본 노희경 김시영/연출 김규태 김양희 이정묵/기획 스튜디오드래곤/제작 지티스트) 17회 시청률은 수도권 가구 기준 평균 10.3%, 최고 12.5%, 전국 가구 기준 평균 10.2%, 최고 11.9%를 기록했다.Men and women, target tvn 2049 capital based average 4.2 percent, highest ratings, 4.9 % 4.3 % to the highest standards an average of 4.9 percent respectively.And former channel, including ratings of all terrestrial 2049 dong the sturdiness of the top pick, drama showed the time.(a cable, satellite, satellite to consolidate the Nielsen, and platform reference a fee).
Mansu (If Kim Jung-Hwan) broadcast on that day in one remaining son is unconscious state ever know that hyeonchunhui on the face of the (Ko Doo-sim also --).Meanwhile 13-year-old granddaughter, and go to Mokpo to see the hyeonchunhui soneungi (If gisoyu) is proving what my dad in.She dives, as well, and what my dad of dolphins in Jeju.Soneungi of wishing my family in the ‘a place to be a moon dog’ he said denied the possibility to draw, and waited to go there with my dad.
A son who is in intensive care unit in Mokpo and heartbroken.A hopeless if I can't save his son's condition, the hyeonchunhui the length of life and not burdensome to one's daughter-in-law, granddaughter he is even going to take care of.An old lady who tried to stand deomdeomhi the hearts of not knowing, uncle and view a photo of the dead grandfather, uncle, " My dog died, too ...Dad, animals die, he becomes a star, too.I mean, not sad! " the grandmother be offering her consolation. I felt her granddaughter hyeonchunhui, who was more harsh.Hyeonchunhui I die, I'm done.I can't come at the hospital was avant (father) "that," Don't believe your word you, avant.Soil " Leung said I'm gon na take the floor and cried.Scared not evil, and cried. The soneungiStanding next to my family away all the hyeonchunhui, " the dirty one's fate for the What's the son and daughter-in-law and grandchildren to live with you.Mansu.His grief., who have endured my baby. "
Soneungi, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea was hit by wind and rain, and like the hearts of hyeonchunhui her tear-filled and said that.아빠가 말한 달 백 개가 뜨는 곳에 가고 싶다고.And said, "My dad will get better soon will have available a hundred times" give up all my wishes are soneungiHyeonchunhui that granddaughter's just wish the boat to ask me this thing in the villagers.
Outside to play by a bolt of lightning to the elements and iyeongok jeongingwon, (If Han Ji-min), (If bakjjiwan), protection (If Choi Young-Jun) is "It is Mansu up a ship if he's not my silver is more would be really disappointed." worried.Dry as unnecessary, but both jeongeunhui bakjjeongjun, (If ijeongeun) and (If Kim Woo-bin) ships brought in to the heart to do anything.Gangokttong (one Kim) said the rocks but wish to sea empty, but ...I can't see, such as hope or something.Will this time.Sincerity Moves Heaven, " Leung said iraesseo hyeonchunhui you have to do.
Right, up hills, soneungi hyeonchunhui gangokttong, jeongeunhuiWas hope in front of their eyes.The lights in the fishing boats began to black one by one of the sea.My dad is the light of the pure point of view, fishing boats of the soneungi as in the sky looked like ‘The moon a hundred’.The whole village people's minds has created a collection of hope.Don't get sick. dad said soneungiPlease come to pick up silver " Make a wish on one's knees began, hyeonchunhui and prayed for a miracle our hopes again, too.
‘Our blues’ is to say despair, hope the personal story of people and was transplanted to a shock to the small screen.Ending is the child's pure ‘The Lady of the Camellias, 2 silver’ episode 17 times the emotions and hope to the efforts of adults believed to make wishes come true.The soneungi, saying that his country "Happiness is to laugh at each other.", father, mother, father, grandmother with large painting about the bar.오늘 밤이 고비라며 수술실로 향하는 만수의 모습과 함께, 백 개 달에 눈물로 소원을 비는 현춘희, 손은기의 엔딩이 시청자들의 마음까지 하나로 모으며 다음 방송을 궁금하게 했다.
On the other hand, tvn toil hyeonchunhui, South with results ' earnest entreaties, like a stranger in the drama ‘Our blues’ 18 times partiality to stay (母子) hat gangokttong idongseok, (one Kim) (If Lee Byung-hun), episodes of ‘Okdong and present’ begins.18 is aired (today) June 5, 10 minutes, nine o'clock at night.