[Yuna Seo in the press news] have low self-esteem because it regularly help me dad walked up to workplace experience significant.. for a lying geumjjogi
On June 3, broadcast channel to the arts, a 'My little like parenting these days - gold piece' (less than 'My little like gold piece') no scruple of lying in 101 times of gold don't care if it's the story 12 years old has been made public.
The school on the grounds that being bullied at school you don't care if it's the gold.Necessarily have friends for looks of graffiti they have to swear in the bathroom and send a note.Pictures is the gold showed by evidence, saying that mom didn't hide the tumult. But there is a reversal.Mom of gold don't care if it's the teacher a result of the phone with the plot of harassment don't care if it's the gold.My mother isn't care if it's the gold is not an elevator, that's just the lies can urinate and give a flat denial that in the glass, would a fight with my younger brother only said all the things said.
Even you don't care if it's the gold theft as far as to commit.A gold out in the observation camera you don't care if it's the mysterious a lot of sitting at the center of my friends pulled out a wad of cash to count my friends, and to treat me at a loud and.Let's go home you have been the gold she said, " You took money from my mom's wallet you.How did you get them, questioned.The stolen amount of money is the gold around 30,000 won.
Don't care if it's the gold was habitual stealing.초등학교 3학년 친구의 가방에 있던 장난감을 집어온 것부터 시작해 엄마와 함께 집들이에 가서는 남의 고가의 휴대폰을 몰래 집어와선 학교에서 주웠다고 거짓말을 쳤다.It wants to rob a bank your brother takes a cousin at home, and cousin of money is stolen twice.The panel is not the 3,000 won per day When asked whether she had pocket money by nearly $ 100,000 a month, an allowance said.
Don't care if it's stealing the gold is more evolved recently.Brother or my mom's secretly started selling second-hand trading app on the merchandise.A mother is outraged, saying he "then to sell house dog" knew the man didn't.But you don't care if it's the gold side, but its announcement she cried angrily, saying their mobile phones to check is not responding to gold in the length of the mothers are also the tears.
Oh Eun-young, said after the start an important means of the relationship is money to "(theft) bad behavior, head of all I know you don't care if it's the gold a child needs money" she remembered, " geumjjogiDo you don't remember our daily lives.Friends sat in the middle of her legs crossed, and my friends are gold piece early to look like sunflowers.돈을 딱 꺼내 세고 있잖나.So you don't care if it is be very important in personal relationship, the golden child. 사람과 사귀고 어울리는 것이 인생에서 중요한 아이다. 그러한 인간관계를 맺는 것이 금쪽이에겐 돈으로 수월하게 되는 것 같다. 그게 학습이 된 것 같다. 금쪽이는 외롭고 심심하면 돈이 떠오르는 거다"라고 분석했다.
이어 금쪽이가 주의력 부족으로 상당히 충동적인 면이 있는데, 엄마 역시 감정의 표현에 있어 약간의 충동성이 있다며 "부정적 감정이 빠르면 걸러지지가 않아 표현해야 하는 양보다 많이 표현된다. 근데 금쪽이는 감정적 교감이 중요한 아이다.It can be felt lonely and I on the part is the gold and expertise, said.
It is true that the diagnosis of Dr. Oh Eun-young." I have many friends in an interview day actually you don't care if it doesn't seem like the gold.I am not too confident.I not love yourself.Likely to remain friends, can you buy a lot of friends.I wish to be a good boy, complained.
엉뚱한 방법으로 친구의 환심을 얻으려 했던 금쪽이의 진심에 신애라는 "거짓말 하는 이유는 자존감이 낮아서 자기를 포장해서라도 나타내고 싶었던 거다. 그걸 모르고 행동만 고치려 했다면 금쪽이가 더 힘든 상황이 될 뻔했다"며 안타까워 했다.
그뒤 오은영 박사는 무엇이든 거짓말과 도둑질로 해결하려 했던 금쪽이를 위한 맞춤 솔루션 '3, 2, 1 피노키오 법칙'을 진행했다. 이 과정에서 금쪽이는 투명 용돈함과 용돈 기입장을 통해 지출 억제 교육을 받았는데. 첫술에 배부를 수 없다고 처음엔 잘 따라주는 듯했던 금쪽이는 금세 돈의 대부분을 다 쓰고 어디에 썼는지 기억이 안 난다 모르쇠로 일관했다.
이런 금쪽이의 지출 습관을 고칠 방법은 아빠의 일터 체험이었다. 금쪽이는 새벽 5시부터 아빠와 함께 나서 일하는 아빠를 바로 옆에서 지켜봤다. 아빠를 쫄래쫄래 따라다니던 금쪽이는 "우리 아빠가 힘들 것 같다"며 어느새 숙연해진 태도를 보였다.My father is, the lesson I have a lot of gold piece that seems to be proud of her reached.금쪽이 부모님은 이 외에도 금쪽이의 자존감을 키워주기 위해 노력하며 무탈하고 행복한 가정을 되찾아갔다.(photo = Channel a 'My little like parenting these days - gold piece' capture).