/ = YouTube channel 'entertainment dwitongnyeong, Lee Jin-Ho' capture the picture.
An entertainments reporter yutyubeo from Lee Jin-Ho Ock of the casting suspicions in a musical.
27, ' Ok Joo-hyun, whose state of affairs in the YouTube channel 'entertainment dwitongnyeong, Lee Jin-Ho' manifestation.Titled ' The images are on. The internal data.

/ = YouTube channel 'entertainment dwitongnyeong, Lee Jin-Ho' capture the picture.
Lee Jin-Ho said in the image for Ok Joo-hyun, the last 24 gimhoyeong and seemed to be concluded for the time to drop charges.I'll just wind up watching the unity of the musical. "Plane," for Ok Joo-hyun, whose last 26 Being bossy pd was of the tide is on the writing.The pd up check to see through the cross I was an article in a number of staff and sorry because he didn't really much different, started to talk.
이어 "있는 그대로의 내용을 밝혔는데 저격 인터뷰가 나와 충격이었다"며 "어렵게 용기 낸 사람들까지 매도하는 작금의 사태를 보고 '이대로는 안 된다'고 판단해 지금까지 제가 취재하고 확인한 자료들을 공개하기로 했다"고 밝혔다.

/ = YouTube channel 'entertainment dwitongnyeong, Lee Jin-Ho' capture the picture.
Lee Jin-Ho original author based on the contract is "After debate, in the casting of Ok Joo-hyun, have released data from a media outlet in emk" and " The items are 15 entries that should receive prior approval from the vbw.In particular, Elizabeth, as well as the main character Luigi Frescobaldi, Luce, the Crown Prince Rudolf (including a child), the Emperor Franz Josef, a grand duchess for Sophia and other major role should be approved by the original author specified that, " explained.
그는 "EMK에서는 원작자의 승인을 받아야 하는 내용이기 때문에 옥주현이 이지혜의 캐스팅에 관여했다고 보기 어렵다고 주장했다"며 "하지만 제가 입수한 자료에 따르면 EMK에서 자체적으로 역할을 모두 정한 뒤에 픽스된 배우들에 대해서만 원작자에게 관련 영상을 보냈다.Cast in the country after original author of a song to be approved in advance, sending out the argument that the best.
At the same time "right, are sending only a 30-second YouTube video." and "set to confirm the diet part because most are without any problems.", pointed out.

/ = YouTube channel 'entertainment dwitongnyeong, Lee Jin-Ho' capture the picture.
Lee Jin-Ho for Ok Joo-hyun, also spoke about the past of which you can see the power of example.
He said, " Elizabeth Joseph at the station, a parent star cast ever, Ok Ju-hyun, advance the main actors in the case, appointed as the first through the audition they have not been the confirmation.Joseph of the actor chosen for Ok Joo-hyun, whose station's response was not practice, I pinched.

/ = YouTube channel 'entertainment dwitongnyeong, Lee Jin-Ho' capture the picture.
The "It was simply an awkward situation should be Ok Joo-hyun, the leading actor, to emk" and " The actor was said to have almost fired from his role in crisis after all.But already completed, forced her part of the contract with this actor in emk.이 과정에서 옥주현에게 얼마나 고개를 숙여야 했는지 모를 정도"라고 비판했다.

/ = YouTube channel 'entertainment dwitongnyeong, Lee Jin-Ho' capture the picture.
Finally, would like to ask, " emk.이지혜뿐만 아니라 이번 오디션에 참가한 타 배우들의 영상도 원작자인 VBW에 보냈느냐"며 "만약 보냈다면 당시 보낸 이메일과 원작자가 타 배우들의 영상도 확인했다는 인증 메일을 공개해달라고 요청하고 싶다.I also checked the relevant materials, and will be disclosed, " added.
Regarding this, Ok Joo-hyun, whose officials "relevant and check the content." and save their words.
On the other hand, Ok Joo-hyun, old Asa Lifan F.C., the old saying in his Instagram is it.It is jade laminated paper, " and with the words that casting engulfed in allegations of personal connections and upload an image, the musical 'Elizabeth' the stage floor of oilpaper. prison.
Ok Joo-hyun, and 'Elizabeth' Ok Joo-hyun, and denied any relevant to musical Company's production company emk gimhoyeong in the process the accused.Diffused by the criticism, however, withdrew our complaint and "I am truly sorry.".