[Lee Seul-Gi in the press news] yutyubeo Freesia hybrida L. H. Bailey (real name Song Ji Ah) club past the burning, believed to be visited in the Sun photo has drawn the drop was made public.
Freesia hybrida L. H. Bailey ' this right? around the latest online communities and snsDiffused in the article titled ' Yi.
Burning clubs in the post of Freesia hybrida L. H. Bailey is estimated that visiting the Sun showed.Freesia hybrida L. H. Bailey in costume exposure is visiting a club that showed.In particular, in the picture have ‘Burning Sun’ logo the club attracted attention.
Freesia hybrida L. H. Bailey was holding a cigarette in on things that appear again.
But the reaction of Internet users is split situation."What's wrong to go to an adult club?" "Burning Sun a problem until just before the club knew, aren't we?" "It's not like the rest of minors could smoke", reaction to it.
"It is free to play it honestly doesn't look good" and "Burning Sun is not controversy for nothing." of negative responses can be found.
Freesia hybrida L. H. Bailey of the return to the leakage is time that is what effect.Freesia hybrida L. H. Bailey last two days " Everyone is doing well? and his "worried well I'm healthy thanks to you and support." in snsBack with, said a posting pictures and released by the update.
한편 넷플릭스 '솔로지옥'에 출연해 큰 사랑을 받았던 프리지아는 지난 1월 명품 가품을 착용했다는 논란이 불거지면서 활동을 중단했다.
(Photo : online community,)