A drunken staff for indecently assaulting two women, received the conviction of charges of raping Kang Ji-hwan (45 and whose real name jotaegyu) 53 billion won compensation should be in this drama production company The appeals court's judgment came out.A / photo : Lim Han Byul Contract staff convicted on charges of rape and sexual abuse is the actress Kang Ji-hwan (45 and whose real name jotaegyu) a drama manufacturing company for more than 50 billion won, ruled.
26일 법조계에 따르면 서울고법 민사19-2부(김동완 배용준 정승규 부장판사)는 지난 25일 드라마 제작사 스튜디오 산타클로스 엔터테인먼트가 강지환과 젤리피쉬 엔터테인먼트를 상대로 낸 부당이득금 반환 소송 항소심에서 원고 일부 승소로 판결했다.
Kang Ji-hwan, the Ministry of the trial, 80 million won $ 5.3 billion in Santa Claus, but to start filming an exclusive contract at the time, Jellyfish and shared by the ruling.
앞서 강지환은 2019년 7월9일 자택에서 드라마 '조선생존기' 스태프들과 회식을 하던 중 외주 스태프 여성 1명을 성추행하고 다른 외주 스태프 1명을 성폭행했다는 혐의로 기소돼 징역 2년6개월에 집행유예 3년이 확정됐다.
Because of this drama immediately dismounted by Kang Ji-hwan, contract in release due to the restraint.Kang Ji-hwan at that time was 12, who have even been shooting, the remaining eight episodes is the alternative was another actor was filming day.
In a drama manufacturing company, is Kang Ji-hwan, wiyakppeol and file a claim for damages against this, filed a lawsuit.Kang Ji-hwan of purpose to leave would be to compensate as much as the damage to blame.