Sohn, who, elegant daily life in a restaurant..An amazing leg

Sohn Tae-young and sns

[a = osen bakpanseok] actress Sohn Tae-young and proud of the glamorous.

Sohn, who is 7, " Nice to meet you! in his own sns!!Left a picture with the (to practice that one more - gd v) not the Asia-Pacific # V, said a posting.

Sohn, who is dark dress to show feminine charm.A graceful charm of Sohn Tae-young and the movie is outstanding.A leg-beauty Sohn, who are outstanding.Sohn, who is confident of poses.

Sohn, who is actor Kwon Sang-woo and a son and daughter to marry, 2008.Is now reportedly living in New York, the United States for their children's education./

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