[Herold pop a = baejaeryeon]
Park Eun Ji inseuta
In-flight injeungsyat a topic of conversation. with the Park Eun Ji kkal
Park Eun Ji, four days his home " via Instagram.Tae Rin, we did not cry once, but many fear before a flight a devoted daughter.Only three times cheaper shit. Thank you.In any case, jeojji Have you arrived there well along with the words, one posted pictures of.
Park Eun Ji in the picture was released on the plane home a figure, leaving a injeungsyatA cute daughter's looks impressive.Whine on long flights of Tae Rin, a never makes a mood to look good.
Begetting a daughter in November last year and married a 2018, Park Eun Ji, meanwhile, has an office worker.The recent birth after 18 kg are also collecting a stir as he said he fell.