'Koo Juny-up ♥' Seo Hee Won, and Liz go back to his appearance is the secret of your question?This Is the taste of their honeymoon!

Source = Seo Hee Won Instagram photos
Source = Seo Hee Won Instagram photos[Lee Jung Hyuk the sports news] iruni 20 years of love, is it so happy!Leeds face is completely get back it seems.

The sweetness of Seo Hee Won's honeymoon to his Instagram photos update recent story on.

Koo Juny-up and spend sweet time with the groom was staying in Taiwan, love time.Watch a movie fans spent the biggest blessing in a more dramatic their love story, Seo Hee Won's face dripping with happiness comes buried.

Koo Juny-up, through Instagram, his last on March 8, " I get married.Loved a woman 20 years ago and the knot mojji is going to continue to love.Try looking for contact the number 20 years ago to hear news of her divorce.다행히 그 번호 그대로여서 우린 다시 연결될 수 있었다"며 "이미 많이 지나간 시간 더이상 허비할 수 없어 제가 결혼을 제안했고 그녀도 받아들여 혼인신고만 하고 같이 살기로 결정했다"고 결혼 소식을 전한 바 있다.

Koo Juny-up is now with Seo Hee Won In Taiwan, are you doing after the report.

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