Kim Yoon Suk Yeol, library I can't see why the president took office [a magnifying glass tf].

Draw down one's head over heels wearing masks and caps and quiet presence, "heartfelt congratulations"

Yard grass in front of the National Assembly in Seoul 10 days in attending the inauguration ceremony president said Kim, "in spite of tears while listening to me directly at the scene of the inaugural address." and feel.Provide media and cnc

" If you don't have the invitation and at?Congratulations to you through my heart to go before anyone.However, any inauguration exposed to media around the main character will bring trouble to draw down one's hat and mask and quiet celebration and came back."

20s Yoon Suk Yeol Kim was invited to the president took office "quiet and refrain from the full exposure to celebrate." and "in spite of tears while listening to me directly at the scene of the inaugural address." high heart, said. Kim joined third before the inauguration ceremony for the president in the yard in front of the National Assembly in Seoul on August 10 vipseok to not exposed to, but the media invited to attend was not confirmed whether or not.Due to have the invitation and Others have even that its participation in the wrong horse.

Kim joined 11 about this morning, more said, "Some celebrity participants taking souvenir photos following his inauguration and I saw in the news.", and it's "another day as inauguration day and if you don't know the characters first think I deliberately avoided exposure." in fact call and > <

Kim was president from 5:30 p.m. after attending the inauguration ceremony here at Art Hall in Mokdong, Seoul 'a syo' contacts with the 100 free meals.Yoon Suk Yeol during the 2002 presidential election, the president's campaigning helped fellow celebrities also attended.A / Kang Il Hong

Kim said, "Personally, instead of separately invited to have a separate occasion, my closest friends.", and it's "for the next five years well as to lead the country to celebrate the inauguration of the new government and reward those who live within the power directly and indirectly to the meantime, I had dinner.".

He is from 5:30 p.m. here at Art Hall in Mokdong, Seoul 10 days 'a syo' contacts with the free meals.배우 송중기 부친 송용각 씨를 비롯해 배우 심은경의 부친 심남, 최경일 팬라이트 대표, 박기원 거산해운 본부장, 김형서 V벤처 대표, 배우 양재원, 가수 김형아 등 대중문화 관계자와 일반인 등 100여명이 초대됐다.

Yoon Suk Yeol during the 2002 presidential election, the president's campaigning helped Kim Jo Young Goo Bae Young Man Park Il Nam Jung Dong Nam also joined by celebrities, including choejunyong.

Kim Yoon Suk Yeol is a national campaign for more than 20 days during the campaign for president running along the full support and celebrity one of the representative gave a speech.For many years to do that in the election campaign, he exits the process which has been playing radio programs as dj, too.

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