‘Jung Gyu-woon ♥’ bikini "It hurts." why an appeal, without humiliation in shape and gimurim

Also a nice wife [Lee Seul-Gi in the press news] star gimurim said stay tuned on the whole body.

Travel Guam on May 4th is his own sns gimurim injeungsyat public attention to the chapters.

Open a bikini in a happy time and contained images of the gimurim in Guam.It's a moment each picture is gimurim I explained the situation, saying it "That the sun in the snorkeling one three hours," in flame caught public attention by the skin.".The outcome..지금도 아파요;"라고 덧붙이기도 했다.

The gimurim " got ready for bread and coffee to the service personnel at the hotel so good you happy and I'm here.Thank you very much now # Hi The trip was calling for even to one's impressions of Guam.

In the meantime, of familiar over the past 2017 gimurim and remarried.General. daily program appeared on '- You Are My Sunshine 2 dongsangimong' to the arts, sbs

(photo = gimurim sns)
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