[Lee Seul-Gi in the press news] TV star, Jang Youngran her husband and share our life together.
" Youngran and windows of a day on May 26, his sns is Jang YoungranBe busy busy.I'm happy he was in a hurry along with the words, posted a group of pictures.
Affectionately taking pictures and tight and in pictures published.운동을 가는 듯 편한 트레이닝 차림이다.Earlier, Jang Youngran is that tweet was to play tennis with in full swing.

At the same time is Jang Youngran, " deudyeo we prepare hard book is released.I have to have some sympathy for the warm gaze that their best book with the news release said.
A picture book, speaking on behalf of his fun with a smile is Jang Youngran a good mood.
Jang Youngran, meanwhile, is oriental doctor in the middle, and marriage, blessed with one son and a daughter.
(Photo : Jang Youngran sns)