[comprehensive] Han Ji-min, just as beautiful but eomchina unfortunate ..."known for his brother, older sister dreamed of a doctor." (‘ Ko Doo-sim also good that ’).

[press, ten Asian countries = taeyu]
Photo = Channel a a screen 'Ko Doo-sim also good'

Han Ji-min the doctor he dreamed of a ‘eomchina’ of beauty and of the past until she was my older sister.

Over the past 29 broadcast channel, a lg the Han Ji-min the drama 'Our blues', breathing in the arts 'Ko Doo-sim also good' hellobijeon.

Look around a race went on a trip here and there is a romanticist who met while walking on the path and foreign tourists.한지민은 자연스레 관광객들에게 국적을 물었고, 고두심을 가리키며 "정말 유명한 배우"라며 "우리는 '우리들의 블루스'라는 드라마에 출연 중이고 넷플릭스에서도 볼 수 있다"고 작품 홍보도 잊지 않았다. 한지민의 능숙한 영어 실력에 고두심이 "우리 지민이가 참 통역을 잘한다.My daughter is living in the US I can't do it well. "high he envious" I English level of their trip.That's as much as I can do.Do you know, showing off all showed humility.

Han Ji-min childhood dream was a doctor.He said, " was studying before I know I be a doctor at best.When my grandmother was young from my sister, singer, Jimin and the doctor to me.My only wish my grandma is sick would like to listen to.School year, will come out anyone not realized it was a kindergarten teacher is hope.Baby, so pretty, explained.

어릴 적 유독 소극적이었다는 한지민은 배우를 시작하게 된 계기에 대해 "끼도 없고 수줍었다는데 이상하게 자꾸 오디션에 합격이 되더라.Don't have much to be greedy.It said, but it had seemed not to get anxious. "

In 2003, sbs his debut with 'All In' a Han Ji-minHe assumed the Song of the older child.The audition schedule and at a sophomore in college, and time travel is not going to family.A trip set not in the cast after they went and auditioned again, said.

Photo = Channel a a screen 'Ko Doo-sim also good'
Two years apart is Han Ji-min's sister also.He has a " beautiful and famous and popular.I was famous in her sister's brother rather than the Han Ji-min hometown. "Han Ji-min sister is striking picture, showing off a maze. as disclosed.

Han Ji-min and said, older sister and my friends liked boys.I have been nagging me a lot rather than on her sister's jealousy.The man hung up the phone itself.Her friends are afraid of me. " he added.

Ko Doo-sim also is Han Ji-min's wedding to hurry up too.Jimin " did a beautiful how between this year or next year, I wish I'd come to be loved and loving alkongdalkongIs no shortage of.Jimin us full of love.Life is always bright and warm I hope you like romantic comedy, showing affection.

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