'My baby just around the corner' Jung Joo Ri for rudeness ...There was the fourth reason sex behind closed doors, [comprehensive].

[My press daily = oyunju] pregnant with their fourth comedy umeon, Jung Joo Ri (38) is the netizens ' questions has been cleared for himself.

27, YouTube channel 'Jung Joo Ri' titled 'I urgently seeking clarification about the controversy that flared up recently.' images are uploaded on. This is Jung Joo Ri "39 weeks pregnant when the broadcast, trailed by car", and now weighs 8.3 kg.The first, second, third and fourth also gained a lot of meoktteosira said to.

He laughed, saying, "These days, I posted a picture in animated conversation with her husband ' end bulhwaseol iradeora".Long love affair with Jung Joo Ri said her husband to (9 years) our own tudakkeori be.But others are afraid we part company.Our report also those of you that I don't want to get married was really (fighting) ", saying" severe, and not on the sns the pain.I define the original as that.Isn't this the evidence " pointed a heavily pregnant stomach.

It is next to so-called 'YouTube eogeuro' controversy.Thumbnail images released in the last six days 'Jung Joo Ri' of public sex ring '?!' the criticism is not of "aimed at a number of views?" comments appeared, many previously run.

Jung Joo Ri said eogeuro, the comments are a lot.In fact, film editor came the first time that day, but he can chew, make idle remarks.He said, " I don't intend to disclose the sex.First, Second and third gender and birth had I said, explained.

Jung Joo Ri was fourth reason is there who did not disclose the sex.He said, " There was gratitude for the medical examination, child.I'm really good, so some people are 'son, What can I do?', 'the sky is not indifferent' looked sorry your baby parts than I do worry, it's okay to open up.

The "I have so pretty, Doha to Doha, the person who gets to your daughter should have been ' so." " (gender), it disclosed and don't want to get hurt in the first place, as well.I don't want to give to children.To be honest, there are many things in between.Fourth age, this is more cautious and not, not the body.Imdang think only the health of the child coupled with time and early labor pains, Corona.I would like you wished to give birth to healthy, " added.

Jung Joo Ri is expecting birth.In 2015 the last one year old younger Dowon, Doha and not a celebrity, husband and marriage, blessed with doyun and three sons.

[Photo : Jung Joo Ri Instagram].

). press (oyunju

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