Lee In-hye inseuta[Herold pop a = baejaeryeon]

An imposing home is actress Lee In-hye, certification issue.
29일 이인혜는 자신의 인스타그램을 통해 "아~~집이 젤 좋네 #굿나잇~~ #퇴근 #귀가 #shot #내일 드뎌 #금요일 #야호~"라는 글과 함께 근황을 담은 인증 사진을 두 장 공개했다.
Lee In-hye, in the picture was released left selfies, showing off her beauty and doing who-knows-what in a stately home.A beautiful interior and soccer as much as we've been able to come to a spacious living room is impressive.
Lee In-hye, meanwhile, is Kyungsung University working as a full-time teaching of digital media.Over the past 2020 jtbc drama also starred in 'elegant friend'.