(real name Lee, 41) boom [My press daily = oyunju] singer's wedding scene is making headlines.
Yoon Hye Jin said, a dancer of ballet, is an anomaly in September that small intestine, boom!Boom.Congratulations, so too posted the video along with the words.
In the video, showed in entering the groom, boom.He's Virgin on the road climbing all over the laughter we posed as a mime and with both hands.
As pretend that I opened higher, he jumped.The boom of guests to jump into cheers, too.His pleasant moment that is permanently opening the wedding with a smile.

The boom, somewhere in Seoul for seven years younger than not a celebrity of the bride and wedding camera.K.Will singer played by Lee Kyung-kyu, and sang a singer performed, and actor Lee Dong-wook, imyeongung, reportedly called ichanwon.
Meanwhile, the boom is marriage through a holograph letter last month announcing, " and respect one another's precious to be together for life to faith and love meet your soulmate one got a family. 늦은 나이에 하는 결혼이니만큼 앞으로 사랑이 흘러넘쳐 주변에 나눌 수 있는 행복한 부부의 모습 그리고 가정과 아내를 살뜰히 보살피고 안아줄 수 있는 좋은 남편 모습 보여드리겠다"고 전했다.
또한 붐의 소속사는 "두 사람이 오랜 시간 지인으로 지내다 서로에 대한 깊은 공감과 소통을 통해 자연스럽게 연인 관계로 발전하였으며, 결혼 전과 후의 삶까지 함께할 수 있는 동반자라는 확고한 믿음으로 결혼을 결심하게 됐다"고 밝힌 바 있다.
[Photo : Yoon Hye Jin Instagram].
). press (oyunju