가수 겸 배우 임창정/사진=헤럴드POP DBSinger and actor Lim Chang-jung / Photo = Herald POP DB
[헤럴드POP=이미지 기자] 임창정이 주가조작 일당들에게 수십억원을 투자한 것으로 알려졌다.[Herald Pop = Image Reporter] Lim Chang-jung is known to have invested billions of won in stock price manipulation groups.
25일 JTBC는 주가조작 일당들에게 수십억원을 투자한 가수 겸 배우 임창정이 본인도 피해자라고 주장했다고 단독 보도했다.JTBC exclusively reported on the 25th that singer and actor Lim Chang-jung, who invested billions of won in stock price manipulation groups, claimed that he was also a victim.
또 임창정은 15억원은 자신의 증권사 계정에, 15억원은 부인의 계정에 넣어 30억원을 이들에게 재투자했다고 덧붙였다.Lim Chang-jung also added that he reinvested 1.5 billion won in his securities firm account and 1.5 billion won in his wife's account and 3 billion won in them.
임창정에 따르면 이들은 임창정이 넣은 30억원으로 신용매수까지 해 모두 84억원어치 주식을 샀다고.According to Lim Chang-jung, they even bought 8.4 billion won worth of stocks by purchasing credit with 3 billion won put in by Lim Chang-jung.
하지만 임창정은 폭락으로 오히려 손해를 봤다고 호소한 것으로 전해졌다.However, Lim Chang-jung reportedly complained that he suffered losses due to the plunge.
그럼에도 임창정은 주가조작 일당들이 운영하는 방송 채널에 출연했고, 이들이 인수한 해외 골프장에도 함께 투자한 것으로 파악됐다고.Nevertheless, Lim Chang-jung appeared on a broadcast channel run by a group of stock price manipulation groups and was found to have also invested in overseas golf courses they acquired.
이에 임창정은 자신도 피해자라며 수사나 조사에 최대한 협조하겠다는 입장을 내놓았다.In response, Lim Chang-jung said, "I'm a victim myself," adding, "I'll cooperate with the investigation as much as I can."