'연봉 30억' 염경환, "일주일 쉬면 중형차 한 대 값 손해"[동상이몽2][★밤TView]"Yearly Salary 3 Billion" Yeom Kyung-hwan, "If you take a week off, you'll lose the price of a medium-sized car." [Same difference 2] [★Night TV View]

/사진='동상이몽 2 - 너는 내 운명' 방송화면/ Photo = "Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 - You Are My Destiny" broadcast screen'동상이몽 시즌2-너는 내 운명' 염경환이 일주일 일을 쉬게 되면 중형차 한 대 값 정도 손해를 본다고 전했다.Yeom Kyung-hwan, "Same Bed, Different Dreams Season 2 - You Are My Destiny," said he would lose about the price of a medium-sized car if he took a week off from work.

27일 오후 방송된 SBS 예능 프로그램 '동상이몽 시즌2-너는 내 운명'에서 쇼호스트로 활약 중인 염경환이 바쁜 스케줄을 혼자 소화했다.Yeom Kyung-hwan, who is active as a show host in SBS entertainment program "Same Bed, Different Dreams Season 2 - You Are My Destiny," aired on the afternoon of the 27th, carried out a busy schedule alone.

이날 MC 들은 염경환에 "연봉이 30억이라는 말이 있다"고 물었다.On this day, the MCs asked Yeom Kyung-hwan, "There is a saying that the annual salary is 3 billion won." 염경환은 "그 정도는 아니다"라고 전했다.Yeom Kyung-hwan said, "It's not that bad." MC 김구라는 "그 정도로 열심히 번다는 거다"라고 설명했다.MC Kim Gu-ra explained, "That's how hard he earns." 이후 염경환의 일상이 담겼다.Since then, Yeom Kyung-hwan's daily life has been included. 염경환은 매니저 없이 직접 운전에 나서 놀라움을 안겼다.Yeom Kyung-hwan was surprised to drive himself without a manager. MC 서장훈은 "매니저 없이 혼자 다니시냐"라고 물었다.MC Seo Jang-hoon asked, "Do you go alone without a manager?" 염경환은 "그렇다"고 답했다.Yeom Kyung-hwan replied, "Yes." MC 김구라는 "염경환 씨가 매니저한테 떼어주는 돈을 아깝게 생각한다"고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.MC Kim Gu-ra drew laughter by saying, "I think it's a waste of money that Yeom Kyung-hwan gives to the manager."

염경환은 인터뷰에서 "업체하고 저하고 직거래한다.Yeom Kyung-hwan said in an interview, "I deal directly with the company. 그만큼 싸다.That's how cheap it is. 연예인 최저가다.It's the lowest price for entertainers. 그렇다 보니 일이 끊이질 않고 꾸준히 하는 것 같다"고 자랑했다.That's why I think I'm constantly working." 염경환은 빡빡한 스케줄을 모두 암기해 놀라움을 안겼다.Yeom Kyung-hwan was surprised by memorizing all the tight schedules.

방송국에 도착한 염경환은 차 뒷좌석에 앉아 휴식을 취했다.Yeom Kyung-hwan, who arrived at the broadcasting station, took a rest in the back seat of the car. 염경환은 "코로나에 민감한 직업이니까 백신도 5차까지 접종했다.Yeom Kyung-hwan said, "Since it is a COVID-19-sensitive job, I have also been vaccinated up to the fifth round. 자신했는데 2줄이 나왔었다.I was confident, but there were two lines. 일주일 격리했는데 스케줄이 21개 있었다.I was quarantined for a week, but I had 21 schedules. 아마 중형차 한 대 값이었을 거다"라고 말해 씁쓸함을 안겼다.It was probably the price of a medium-sized car." 염경환은 "제 스스로 불안하니까 무조건 차에서 밥 먹고 차에서 대기하고 계속 차에 있게 된다"고 전했다.Yeom Kyung-hwan said, "I feel uneasy on my own, so I always eat in the car, wait in the car, and stay in the car."

/사진='동상이몽 2 - 너는 내 운명' 방송화면/ Photo = "Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 - You Are My Destiny" broadcast screen앞서 '동상이몽 시즌2-너는 내 운명'에는 염경환과 장인이 동거하는 장면도 담겼다.Earlier, "Same Bed, Different Dreams Season 2 - You Are My Destiny" also included a scene where Yeom Kyung-hwan and his father-in-law live together.

이날 염경환은 혼자 소파에 앉아 오프닝 준비를 했다.On the same day, Yeom Kyung-hwan sat on the sofa alone and prepared for the opening. MC 김숙은 염경환에 "아내분은 안 나오시는 거냐"라며 걱정했다.MC Kim Sook worried about Yeom Kyung-hwan, saying, "Is your wife not coming out?" 염경환은 "처음으로 공개하는 건데 지금 아내하고 같이 사는 게 아니다.Yeom Kyung-hwan said, "It's my first time revealing it, but I'm not living with my wife right now. 진짜 잘해주고 더 편안하고 항상 내 편을 들어주는 사람이다"라고 밝혀 궁금증을 자아냈다.I'm a person who's really nice, more comfortable, and always sides with me," he said, raising questions. 염경환은 "2년이면 꽤 오랜 시간인데 이렇게 살게 됐습니다"라고 밝혔다.Yeom Kyung-hwan said, "Two years is quite a long time, but I ended up living like this."

이후 염경환의 집이 공개됐다.Later, Yeom Kyung-hwan's house was unveiled. 염경환의 반쪽의 주인공은 엄경환의 장인이었다.The main character of Yeom Kyung-hwan's half was Um Kyung-hwan's craftsman. 엄경환의 장인은 "경환이 하고 산 지 2년 가까이 됐다.Eom Kyung-hwan's father-in-law said, "It's been nearly two years since I lived with Kyung-hwan. 누구한테 제약도 안 받고 좋다"며 만족했다.I'm happy that I'm not restricted by anyone." 염경환은 "남들은 어렵다고 하지만 저는 너무 좋다"고 밝혔다.Yeom Kyung-hwan said, "Other people say it's difficult, but I love it."

이빛나리 인턴기자 Intern reporter Lee Shine-Nari
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