Park Instagram photo = HashishExpress their dissatisfaction with the social actor Bong Tae-gyu's wife and photographer hasisibak and all working mothers face as well as support.
Hashish what do do to his Instagram, a 29.How do you say that working moms, working mother and housewife, a housewife, " revealed the article to start and say.
이어 "어릴 때는 여자애들이 밀린다고 남학교를 가려 하고, 예쁘면 예쁘다고 따돌림당하고, 못나면 못났다고 괴롭히고, 잘하면 기세다고 뭐라 하고, 못하면 콤플렉스가 많다고 하고, 여자라고 연봉 적고, 누가 잘못하면 걔네 엄마 누구냐고 하고, 같은 여자끼리 더 치열해야 하고, 이런 뭐 거지 같은 나라가"라는 글을 썼다.
Hashish a " toxic working mothers, support once again today.The worst kind of day.Those days you swallow it, built a career, added.
Hashish, 2015 after more Park Bong Tae-kyu and marriage, blessed with one son and a daughter.