A kitty, Jeon Sun Wook boyfriend and honeymoon feeling..Italian tourist, I envy you.

Jeon Sun Wook inseuta[Herold pop a = baejaeryeon]

They writer Jeon Sun Wook, kitty, couple journey to Italy injeungsyat it in the public domain issue.

Jeon Sun Wook, his Instagram is a writing containing an update with "What's wrong with legs" certification through the story published many of the photo.

Puss in the picture that is open and Jeon Sun Wook is on a street to travel to Italy, a figure, leaving a injeungsyatIn particular, foreign tourists surprised kitty that made see colorful beauty of the author's exclamations.

On the other hand, a kitty of writing a series of 'Gangrim goddess' writer, and that work is to be drama, too.현재 웹툰 '프리드로우' 전선욱 작가와 공개 연애 중이며 싱글맘임을 고백해 많은 응원을 받았다.
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