Baedaae ♥ ijangwon, please don't make it to sue, please."to refrain from speculative bibanggeul"

Baedaae inseuta
[Herold pop a = baejaeryeon] made a groundless slander article about the notice of complaint after marriage is baedaae.

29, musical actress baedaae their "a wedding announcement in August and November long way since the wedding up once but merely pecking at a precarious assumption of slander of the articles are news comes that I used to." via Instagram wrote.

이어 "성향상 이것저것 잘 찾아보는 꼼꼼함이 없는터라 그때그때 그냥 혼자 조용히 지나치면 되겠지 하며 지내왔는데, 아주 큰일들은 아니지만 꾸준하게 해결되지 않는 상황들이 너무나도 안타까워 앞으로라도 이 문제는 해결해 나가야 하지않을까 생각이 들어서 용기내 글을 남겨보아요"라고 현재 상황을 설명했다.

또 그녀는 "지금으로서는 모아놓은 자료들로 당장 고소를 한다던가 하는 마음은 없지만, 앞으로라도 이런일로 서로 마음이 불편해 지는 일이 결코 생기지 않길 너무나도 바라서…First, I would like to earnestly, wrote.

Finally, she advised people "The front of the things well try and get through and allow you to pass with a generous and pretty well for you Thank you very much and thank you very much likely if you write one's mind".

Lucy made her debut as a vanilla Meanwhile, the group in 2010 is baedaae.Peppertones in November last year to marry ijangwon the many congratulations and is currently through the sns and communication.
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